Monday, February 20, 2012

Mary's 8th Letter from Peru

Hey Family!

Thanks for your emails! I love love love reading them. I
have some stories for you this week. I dreamed last night in spanish!
Very cool, but I only remember that that I was challenging people to
be baptized haha.

This week, we had some interesting lessons. We had a lesson with a
couple that are having some serious issues with their marriage. After
a discussion about being humble, repentance and starting over, we
asked the brother to offer the prayer. He said a beautiful prayer, and
after he finished we sat in silence for about 5 seconds when his wife
then begins to pray. I'm thinking, okay, awesome. very cool. after she
finishes, my companion begins to pray aloud... and I start
thinking... huh? Did I miss something? Am I supposed to go next,
or...? After she finishes, we are waiting in silence for about 3
seconds and the brother begins to pray again! I think to myself, okay
this is getting our of control. and I need to repent, I couldn't help
but start laughing! The problem was that I didn't want them to realize
that I was laughing, so to cover it up I was coughing, but it just
ended up sounding like I was a crazy person feeling the spirit very,
very strongly. After that lesson, my companion and I laughed all the
way to our next appointment.

We have another investigator, his name is Jose. At first, we weren't
sure if he would progress. He looked at the floor, wouldn't answer our
questions, no response. Para nada. But in the last week, he has
really opened up. He is taking notes in church, praying aloud in the
lessons, and participating, smiling, it's insane the difference the
gospel can make in a person!

One more story. There is a 12 year old boy also named Jose and he has
a madrina, which means his parents gave him to another family to live
with and work for. He is an employee for this family and works about
10 hours a day, since he was 7 years old. Sometimes, he doesn't have
food, its a tough life. We have been teaching when we can. When we
asked him what he would like us to pray for, and he just asked that we
give thanks for all his many blessings. What humility, I learned
something from him that I will never forget.

Well family, my time is almost up, but thanks for the video of boston
and the pictures! I love them!!! My zone was looking at the pictures
too, he is soo adorable. i would also like to say if you ever feel
like sending a jar of peanut butter my way, that would be cool. I
love helping people find the gospel, and watching the changes that always follow!

Love you all!!!

Hermana Swartz

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