Monday, March 4, 2013

Jan. 14th, 2013

Hey family! 
Lone peak is #1 in the nation for basketball!? Thats awesome. Daddy I hope everything goes well for you in your classes, do your homework everynight and make sure you turn it in on time. :D And dont ditch class! oh how the tables have turned haha.

Everything is really good here, we are working hard, we have 3 people that are going to get baptized this week, Omar, Andres, and Aquiles. We are really doing everything possible so that they are ready to get baptized and are praying that they dont fall through. They are all so awesome. Andres doesnt remember much, but he remembers the things that are important. Its so funny, its exactly like the movie fifty first dates, we have to remind him about everthing or he forgets hahaha but he is super awesome.  I will have to tell you the story about how we found aquiles when i get home, its awesome. 
And the less active family we have been working with came to church!!!! but we found out that the wife has been having an afair for the last two years, so that was rough... we are not sure what to do the situation. The I know the Lord is capable of healing all families, but that is such a hard situation. We are going to keep praying for them so that they can know how to handle the situation.

I love you all tons and tons. I am going to send some pictures, I know its been a while since I sent pictures. 

Dantley, Queria preguntarte si conoces a Alexandra, pero se me olvido la semana pasada. Ella es tu conversa? No me acuerdo su apellido, pero ella tiene un hijito que se llama Brandon, el tiene como 9 años mas o menos. Ella nos dijo que se bautizo en cusco con Pastrana, entonces no se si la conoces, Ella es super buena y nos pidio una manera para contactar con los Elderes que la bautizaron. Seria bacan, ella es super buena, pero creo que le daria mucho animo poder communicarse con tigo si es tu conversa. Gracias por todo, tu carta me ayudo mucho durante la semana. cuidate mucho! Espero que sigas recibiendo muchas bendiciones del señor y recuerdas que eres un hijo muy especial de Dios y que el te ama. Y Elder Parra manda suludos. 

Hermana Swartz

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